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Curcumin, a vibrant yellow compound found in turmeric, has deep historical roots in traditional medicine, celebrated for its profound antioxidant properties. It’s …

In the vast spectrum of nutritional science, antioxidants stand out for their role in supporting overall wellness and countering oxidative stress. Yet, …

Introduction:  When people hear “calcium”, they often think of strong bones and pearly white teeth. However, this mighty mineral’s influence extends far …

Epigallocatechin gallate, commonly referred to as EGCG, stands out as the most distinguished compound found in green tea, celebrated across health and …

In the evolving realm of health and wellness, we, at CELLg8, are at the forefront of revolutionizing nutritional wellness with our advanced …

In recent years at CELLg8, we’ve witnessed a concerning trend in global health. Despite advances in modern medicine and dietary research, nutrient …

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